Risks and Prevention in the Digital Age

Risks and Prevention in the Digital Age


Gambling, once a pastime reserved for casinos and lotteries, has become an everyday phenomenon, especially among teenagers. In view of the fact that the population of the Internet and products with elements of gambling games expands on a daily basis, adolescents are increasingly exposed and potentially endangered by the said activity. A recently carried out New Mexico study expands understanding of the phenomenon in question and the need for risk-focused prevention. In this blog, we shall discuss adolescent gambling and its risks and also why it is important to prevent gambling in the digital age.

Adolescents and Gambling: A Concerning Trend

Teenage is a sensitive stage when experimentation is characteristic for any individual. Self-generated questionnaires were completed by 2553 high school students between ages 12 and 18 years; of these, 3 percent showed symptoms of gambling problems. These issues were also more dominant in male students, 3.9 % of males were affected as opposed to 2.1% of female candidates. Yet, other ethnicities including Native Americans with 4.5 % and Hispanics with 3.3% were more prone than the white ethnic group with 1.5%.

The Role of Technology and Substance Use

It is quite likely that in traditional modes of gambling such as live betting, the results were shown to be more prevalent than online betting. Although such a trend to digitalise entertainment hastened, it might lead to the growing popularity of online gambling in the future.

A relationship between problem gambling and substance use was revealed. Problem gamblers were more likely to binge drink, use e-cigarettes and to consume marijuana than adolescents who did not gamble problematically. Specifically, for Hispanic teens, binge drinking further predisposes the youth to the risk of developing gambling concerns thus the need for culturally competent interventions.

Addressing the Issue

Just knowing about the risk factors is however not enough. Interconnectedness between housing and substance use renders an at-risk teen vulnerable to unfavorable behavior patterns in most cases. It is therefore mandatory to orient young persons, parents and teachers on the risks of gambling. It is why programs that are cultural specific can be helpful in ensuring that teens make the right decision.

The Bottom Line

Since gambling is becoming more liberal, the need to respond to its effects in adolescents cannot be ignored. Thus, increasing the number of people who know about it and discuss it with others along with associated risks will help young people avoid hazardous addictions. Why the needs of these vulnerable individuals need to come first as a way of building up their stamina and minimizing the impacts they feel for years. Combined, we will build a safer and healthier community for making the right decisions and protecting the younger generations.


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